General Terms and Conditions

For | 13. Dezember 2020

MINERALIA is run by Reto Balmer, Steven Götz and Felix Spahr. All three owners are passionate crystal prospectors (called «Strahler» in Switzerland) and collectors. We run the shop as a hobby.

  1. Shop Articles

    The crystals and minerals offered in the shop are mainly our own finds, but some of them are also sourced from fellow crystal collectors or specimens from old collections.

    The minerals are photographed by us, sized and weighed, described to the best of our knowledge and provided with a place of origin. Should it turn out that the information given is incorrect, we are prepared to take back the goods within 30 days of receipt of the consignment.

  2. Prices

    The prices stated at the time of the order (conclusion of contract) apply. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. Prices are quoted in Swiss francs (CHF). We are not subject to VAT and accordingly our prices do not include VAT.

  3. Terms of Payment

    The easiest way for us is if you make payments directly in Swiss francs to our post-bank-account:
    IBAN: CH72 0900 0000 1503 5913 2

    We also accept Paypal payments and of course cash payments when articles are picked up in person.

  4. Deliveries

    For first orders and orders from abroad, delivery will be made immediately after receipt of payment.

  5. Shipping and Shipping Risk

    Should the delivery take place later than two days after receipt of payment, the customer will be informed by e-mail or telephone.

    The ordered items are packed by us with the greatest of care. The risk of damage during shipment is transferred to the orderer when the goods are dispatched.

  6. Costs

    We do not charge any packaging or shipping costs, only the actual postage. The costs are automatically calculated and shown when the order is placed. See the «Shipping» menu item at the foot of the website.

  7. Returns

    We want satisfied customers. If, for any reason, the customer does not like the product delivered, we are prepared to take it back within 30 days of receipt of the consignment. The return postage will be charged to the customer. After receipt of the undamaged goods, the full invoice amount will be refunded.

  8. Applicable Law / Place of Jurisdiction

    The contractual relationship shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Bern.

MINERALIA | Reto Balmer | Steven Götz | Felix Spahr | Bern, the 13. December 2020