Where can I find my Favourites?
As soon as you’re logged in your favourites appear in the left column. If this is your first visit and don’t have a user account yet, please register first. If you already have a user-account log in and refresh your browser window if necessary. Your favourites should appear in the left column under the list of product categories.
How can I see pictures of the articles in high resolution?
Our article pictures in high resolution offer a detailed view of the minerals. In the individual article page the image with a loupe-icon in the top right corner and can be viewed with a loupe-effect, when the cursor passes over the image. You can also click on an image to get to a full screen view of the picture and the other images in the gallery of a product.
Why are the texts in German?
Mineralia.ch is available in German and English. If the wrong language is displayed in your browser click the small flag icon in the header of the page and select your language.