Large Elestial Amethyst, 150 x 80 x 260 mm, 3100 g, Zinggenstock, Grimsel, BE


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Large Elestial Amethyst

150 (L) x 80 (W) x 260 (H) mm
3100 g

Stone Nr. 2 from a legendary Amethyst Pocket from the Zinggenstock region. It is the longest Amethyst crystal from this pocket and possible the whole region. The elestial formation of Amethysts is clearly visible in this piece. It is mounted on a tailor made and removable plexiglas plinth.
An Amethyst of this size is a rare thing. Because of tectonic forces this stone was apparently broken in two, when it was found and has been subsequently repaired. For this reason we have adjusted the price.

Place of discovery
Zinggenstock, Grimsel, Canton Berne, Switzerland

Additional information

Weight 3.1 kg