Micromounts, Lot No. 4 (13-Piece Set)


In stock


Micromounts, Lot No. 4 (13-Piece Set)

13 Boxes sized 23 (L) x 23 (W) x 16 (H) mm

While stocks last Mineralia offers various lots from the prospector and collector Hans Leitel. The lots consist of sets of boxes, each measuring 23x23x16 mm. The collection is mainly from the Lötschental, the Upper Valais and the Grimsel region, but there are also crystals and minerals from the Gotthard region and Ticino.

All boxes are labelled with the name of the mineral and where it was found. 

The photos are of the exact specimens on offer. However, they have not been professionally photographed.

Ilmenite, Adularia, Titanite, Rotlaui, Guttannen
Aragonite, Lamme, Rhoneschlucht
Quartz, Ankerite, Perikline, Muskovite, Rutile, Lamme
Rutile, Sagenite, Ilmenite, Quartz, Lamme
Double Terminated Quartz, Lamme, Rhoneschlucht
Siderite, Lamme, Rhoneschlucht
Harmatiet (Iron Rose), Roossenhörner
Turmaline, Lamme, Rhoneschlucht
Aktinolite, Amiant, Fieschergletscher
Dolomite, Baltschieder
Quartz in Tessin Habir, Pyrite, Binnackern
Chlorite Phantomquartz, Binnackern
Rutile, Rufibachgraben

Additional information

Weight 0.065 kg